Bristol & District Lady Golfers' Alliance

The captain of the home team is required to upload all league results onto the BDLGA Results App within 48 hours of the completion of each fixture and verified by the captain of the opposing team.
Any issues relating to the results please contact the Results Coordinator: Heather Priestley at bdlga9@gmail.com
If any player has a Hole-in-One during a match, the team captain should e-mail the Results Coordinator separately with the details, so that the player can be acknowledged at the AGM and awarded vouchers for their achievement.
A reminder to team captains that the list of A Team players, and B Team players in the event of a C Team, must be submitted to the BDLGA Committee by 31st January, and any changes must be e-mailed as they occur. Further, for clubs with a C Team, the top 14 players would need to be lodged with the BDLGA Committee prior to each match.